Good April Fools Pranks - april fools pranks for parents

11 Easy, Kid-Friendly April Fools' Day Pranks That Require Minimal Effort

April Fools' Day has a lot of potential to be one of the greatest "holidays" for parents. There's no big-ticket gift investments, no real prep required, no in-laws or big gatherings. And, above all, April Fools' Day creates an opportunity to dish out some much-needed payback for all the ridiculous stuff kids put their parents through every other day of the year. In order to pull off the most epic day, you're going to need some easy, kid-friendly April Fools' Day pranks that get maximum laughs for minimal effort.

This day is fair game for pulling all the tricks out of the bag and, for once, having a few light-hearted laughs with (and maybe even at) your children. On occasion, it's necessary to throw off the adult facade and act like a kid — especially on a day centering around jokes and pranks. Although, to be fair, you probably don't want to go so overboard that it creates tears and tantrums and a more stressful day for you. In order to get the most out of your April Fools' Day and create nonstop laughs from the family, here are some fun, tear-free prank ideas to incorporate into your day this year.

1Frozen Cereal

This prank requires just a touch of thinking ahead but is still super easy and fun. Kids Activities Blog suggested fixing a bowl of cereal the night before to freeze. Put the milk and cereal bowl into the freezer and get it out in the morning for a chilly breakfast prank.

2Sleep Confusion

I'm not suggesting you wake up your child by any means. I am, however, suggesting you turn the tables on them. There are a few routes you can go with this prank. First, if they're a heavy sleeper, rearrange their room while they sleep. Second, you can move your kids into different beds while they're asleep, so they awake thoroughly confused. The third is primarily for parents who don't want to risk waking anyone up: if your kids are used to coming into your room when they awake, throw them off by sleeping somewhere different in your home or switching sides in bed.


What kid doesn't love Oreos? They have to be one of the most addictive snack foods in existence. You may be able to make them a little less addictive, however, by removing the cream filling and replacing it with toothpaste before handing them over.

4Soap Fail

This prank can be done on kids and parents alike, but will probably create a much more animated reaction from kids. Angela Tague of Parenting suggested painting a bar of soap with clear nail polish and letting it dry. Put it out for bath time and watch the confusion ensue with no suds from the soap.

5Break Out Elf On The Shelf

I don't know about your kids, but mine ask about Christmas quite a bit throughout the year. Break out Elf on the Shelf for April Fools' Day and see what kind of reaction you get. If you really want to push it over the top, wrap an empty gift box to include with your prank.  

6Ice Cream Sundae Surprise

I don't think this treat will be quite what your kids were expecting. Take a couple scoops of mayonnaise or mashed potatoes as replacement for vanilla ice cream, cover it with chocolate syrup, put some sprinkles on top, and serve.

7Balloon Door

This prank is multi-use, as I originally used it for my toddler's birthday. All it requires is plastic wrap, tape, and some balloons. When your kids are sleeping, rip off the plastic wrap to fit the width of the door frame going across, tape it on, and stuff in three balloons. Move up to the next layer and continue the same steps until the door is covered.

8Make Brown Es

Teachers and parents alike can partake in this kid-friendly prank. As mother and former Kindergarten teacher Beth Talbott tells Romper, a fun way to participate in April Fools' Day at school was to tell her students she'd have brownies for them after recess. The students would come back from recess to cutout brown Es.

9Remove The Remote Batteries

If your kids are able to work the remote (or any other battery-operated toy) on their own, Popsugar shared the idea of taking out the batteries before they go to use it. You can also step it up by putting a piece of tape over the remote's sensor.

10Hot Ice Water

This one is for those who like to put some effort into their prank. Isabel Kallman from Alpha Mom shared a prank using blocks, clear beads, tinfoil, and a cup of hot water. After putting together the blocks, beads, and tinfoil via Kallman's instructions, you can pop them into the oven to finish off your fake ice cubs and serve a nice, warm cup of ice water.

11Screenshot Background

Screenshot your kid's computer or tablet in the middle of a show or program they use frequently. According to BuzzFeed, you can set the screenshot as the background when they're not around and watch the confusion as they try to figure out why none of the buttons or options will work.

April Fools' Day is a great time to dish out some light-hearted payback to your kids. The prank possibilities are truly endless, but if you want even more ideas, here are more kid-friendly April Fools' Day Pranks to check out.

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